Maya Rubio organizes art shows, leads workshops, and produces other multidisciplinary projects. She also loves teaching, b/vlogging, and writing about art.



DEVISING THEATRE: Finding Character

Sunday, February 4, 2024, 10:30am – 1:30pm
Studio G, South Oxford Space 138 S Oxford St. Brooklyn, NY
Led by Acadia Barrengos

How many versions of ourselves live within us? How can we find access to them? Whether for theatrical practice, or a deepening of self-awareness, this workshop will explore myriad ways to physically access character and relationship by exploring beginning principles of viewpoints and flocking. We will work as a group, opening the body to meet ourselves and then play with the characters that arise from us.

New moon workshop

Thursday, January 11, 2024
Studio 45, Brooklyn, NY
Co-led by Maya Rubio and M’Kenzy Cannon

Moving through themes of winter and darkness, how to trust the body and discover a natural, intuitive flow.

Creating a meditation or prayer

A two-day Body Wash workshop
Saturday, December 2 & Sunday, December 3, 3-5pm both days
938collective, Brooklyn, NY
Led by Maya Rubio

Reflection notes.

A (new) secret growing

Friday, August 25, 2023, 6:30pm
Vivid Oblivion, Cambridge, MA
Led by Maya Rubio

Movement, meditation, writing, and more ~
Here is a playlist from the workshop. 

Body Wash at Zone 3

I invited five artists from across New England to guide participants of all experience levels through exploratory performance art workshops. Together, we moved through questions around wayfinding, technology, and embodied storytelling in order to discover more expansive ways of being. Tap into the sensational. Let it wash over you.

Here is a video from the series.

Surface Tension
Sunday, May 28, 2023, 12pm
Led by Katherine Mitchell Di Rico

How do screens perform as a site of negotiation between the body, the material, and the virtual? What is real, and what is apparent, and how might the body move through space and time at that threshold- to question our notions of reality? During this one-hour performance workshop, participants will generate work using their personal devices, their bodies, and props brought by the workshop facilitator to engage these questions.

Standing, Sitting, Sleeping: Pedestrian Movement Workshop
Sunday, June 4, 2023, 12pm
Led by Yolanda He Yang 

Standing, Sitting, Sleeping: Pedestrian Movement Workshop explores meditative and expressive movements inspired by daily pedestrian movements. Through this workshop, participants will learn how to connect with their bodies, minds, and spirits through movement, music, and creativity. By magnifying familiar movements through performance, this workshop is designed to help participants connect with their environment, explore the rhythms of their daily life, and find joy and inspiration in everyday moments.

Dancing with Images
Sunday, June 18, 2023, 1pm
Led by Phoebe Hiltermann and Livia Chesley

How do we come to a state of receptivity, allowing our bodies to be an open channel for our creativity, and a physical extension of our imagination? Through movement and object work, participants will engage with personal symbols and image-making in order to discover a pre- language practice of storytelling.

Map Dancing: Cartographic Movement Workshop
Monday, June 26, 2023, 1pm
Led by Kelly Chen

The Map of the city is not the City. The Map is a performative regime that produces space, a tool that restricts desire, and an apparatus that governs bodies. How do we engage with the City in ways that don’t reiterate the spatial logics of the Map? What choreography governs everyday life? How do we imagine maps that are temporary, borderless, and what we need in the moment?

Map Dancing is an outdoor movement workshop where participants alter and destroy physical maps and then interpret them as movement scores. Participants will move through a series of engagements with map objects, and lead the group through interpreting their scores. In this workshop, participants will engage with urban questions through movement.